zane's birth story

Zane @ 2 Weeks Old. ©Glessner Photography.

Zane @ 2 Weeks Old. ©Glessner Photography.

On January 19th, we welcomed our second child, another precious boy we named Zane Matthew, to our family. Now, with all that’s going on in the world, two months seems like a lifetime ago.

Zane’s birth story is nothing like our first son’s. Throughout my last trimester because of how swift Miles came, my provider reiterated at each appointment that as soon as I thought I even might be in labor, to go to the hospital. My mom had arrived in town a week before baby’s due date to ensure we had someone to watch after Miles, and I was 100% over being pregnant. Some people love it, but let me tell you - I am not one of those people. As soon as she was in town, I began spending lots of time on a yoga ball, walking non-stop around our neighborhood, climbing stairs… you name it.

November 2019 @ 7 Months Pregnant. ©Taylor Elise Photography.

November 2019 @ 7 Months Pregnant. ©Taylor Elise Photography.

I had a doctor’s appointment on January 17th, at which point I was 4 cm, but not in labor. They scheduled one last appointment a week out and an induction for the following weekend, and I told them I hoped I wouldn’t see them at either.

In the late afternoon hours of January 19th, I began having more contractions than normal - they still felt like Braxton Hicks, but more frequent. I thought maybe it was because I had been busy and active all day, so once we put Miles to bed, I decided to take a bath to see if they eased up. They did, so I figured it was not labor and came back downstairs to hang out for the evening. Around midnight after a brief nap on the couch, I headed upstairs to brush my teeth and head to bed, at which point, the contractions picked up again and were beginning to feel a bit more intense. I told Josh that we should go to the hospital to get checked out, and we were on our way within a half hour.

Once I arrived at the hospital, they got me into triage and told me that my contractions were pretty consistent, and I was already 6 cm, so I definitely wouldn’t be heading home. They got me to a room, where I labored through several hours of pretty intense contractions around two minutes apart and was able to catnap on and off for a bit. Since Miles’s labor had been so quick, I had again decided against any pain medication. When they decided to check me again at 6 a.m., I was sure I must be close to delivering, but I had barely progressed at all. I felt utterly defeated and scared and just plain mad. As a first intervention, they asked if they could break my water to see if that would help baby along. Not wanting to continue on in pain with no progress, I hesitantly said yes. The doctor on call broke my water around 7 a.m. and things sped up significantly. There were many moments of thinking I couldn’t do it and regretting not getting an epidural, but…

…at 8:51 a.m., after about a half hour of pushing, I delivered - on his due date - our (surprise!) baby boy - a whopping 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 3/4 inches.

Zane Matthew Glessner

Zane Matthew Glessner

Like many second time parents, before I got pregnant and throughout my whole pregnancy, I couldn’t imagine possibly loving another kid as much as the first. Boy, was I wrong. Once again, it was love at first sight, and we are absolutely smitten with our two boys. Our family is definitely complete - no, we won’t be trying for a girl. Don’t even ask. As much as the newborn phase tricks me into thinking I could have a whole houseful, I remember all too well pregnancy, labor, and the “no” phase of toddlerhood, and I quickly return to reality.

Two has been sweeter than I ever could have imagined. There’s a confidence and ease that comes with the second child. We’re less anxious and we savor more moments because we know how quickly the time passes. We don’t stress the little things because we know everything is just a phase that will be behind us in a flash. We haven’t dealt with many jealousy issues - probably largely due to the four year age difference between the two - and Miles is just absolutely smitten with his baby brother.

February 2020. ©Taylor Elise Photography.

February 2020. ©Taylor Elise Photography.

Despite the chaos around us right now, I’m over here trying to soak in all the baby cuddles while I still can and loving watching the bond between these two grow.

More updates soon! Stay well!

18 months with Miles

Whew! You guys. I don't know how two months got away from me, but here we are at the end of May. Between three weeks worth of visitors, having to get my computer repaired after it took a nasty fall, preparing to move home to North Carolina, and keeping up with a rambunctious toddler, the time for writing has been limited. I've got a ton of stuff to catch you up on, including our trips to Spain and Austria and some great books I've read, but I thought I'd jump back in with an update on our baby boy who just turned a whole year and a half old!

Miles 18 Months | ©2017 Elizabeth Glessner-2.jpg

Here are a few things he's been up to lately...

Making teeth! His total count is up to 12 now that he's cut four mean molars.

Wants to do everything himself. Climbs in his stroller on his own and can almost get it buckled. Assembles his straw cups. Pretends to put his lotion on himself after baths. Tries to dress himself and will sit on the bottom stair in our apartment to try to put on his socks and shoes. 

Always requests to go outside. Loves spending afternoons at the park playing in the sand, going down the slide, and picking flowers in the grass.

Has gotten the hang of "riding" his little balance bike his Grammy bought him on her visit and cruises all over the house on it. Unless he's asleep or eating, this kid NEVER STOPS MOVING.

Is still a great eater and can now eat bigger versions of things - for example, he can take bites out of a whole sandwich instead of me tearing it up into bite-sized pieces for him. Has discovered the joys of "dipping" foods. Is a pro with a spoon. Prefers using a real fork to the toddler version.

Has a huge vocabulary - some favorites are "owside" (outside) "i keem" (ice cream - which he requests almost daily), "Monty" (who he asks to see anytime we FaceTime one of my parents), "airpane" (airplane - he's become slightly obsessed since our last flight), "pees" (please - usually more like a demand than a request), "Josh" (which he thinks is hilarious to call his daddy since he hears me saying it), and so many more. Recently added his elbows and knees to the list of body parts he can identify. Is slowly learning his colors and numbers, too!

Sings the "bom, bom, bom" line of Sweet Caroline and the "woohoo" part of the Duck Tales theme. These have been my proudest achievements in parenting thus far.

Also, can someone tell me how my baby has become such a big boy?! How do I slow it down? While I love this new stage of learning and getting to experience so much through his eyes, it all seems to be happening too quickly!

It's hard to believe that the next time I update on this dude, we'll be back in home sweet Carolina! Our house, our wonderful bed, our friends and families.... oh Germany, you've been so good, but I. AM. READY. 

Watch out for lots more posts coming soon (hopefully!), and enjoy this last expression I'll leave you with...

childhood milestones: miles's first haircut

Well, we made it more than 16 months, but after having nearly every stranger we've encountered for the last month think he was a she, I finally gave in and decided it was time for a trim. It was Josh who was initially hesitant for the cut when I wanted to do it around his first birthday, but I'll admit a pang of sadness overwhelmed me as I snipped away those sweet baby curls. What's next?! Kindergarten? College?!

Nap hair. Don't care.

Nap hair. Don't care.

Experienced in cutting Josh's hair, I decided to brave doing it myself. Admittedly, I was pretty nervous about how a toddler was going to cooperate as I wielded sharp metal instruments near his precious noggin and semi-essential features like his eyes and ears. Armed with snacks and Sesame Street with daddy in charge of keeping him cool in his highchair, I can honestly say it was not bad at all. Actually, it went more smoothly than I could have possibly hoped. 

My favorite. 

My favorite. 

There was only one injury, which was me snipping my finger, and though I had to move much quicker than I normally would, I think the haircut turned out pretty good. Just look at my big boy!