adventures in london: part two

Welcome to the second half of my London recap! If you missed Part One, check it out here

We enjoyed Borough Market so much, that we headed there again for breakfast on Friday morning before walking over to the Tate Modern for a little culture. 

Our next stop was Chinatown - not nearly as impressive as San Francisco's - but still filled with plenty of great spots for lunch.

Our mission was Bone Daddies, at the recommendation of our hosts. Give me ramen all day, every day!

I also enjoyed this delightful little beverage - orange juice, passion fruit, and mint. So refreshing! I'll definitely be recreating a version of this at home.

We continued our walking tour of the city past the London Eye...

Big Ben...

Westminister Abbey...

... where Josh took this pic of me and the 25-week bump...

... and finally, Buckingham Palace, where I decided my poor feet were just too tired to go on. We grabbed some fish and chips for dinner and called it a day.

On Saturday, we had plans to go with Jas, Jennie, and some of their friends to a cricket match. We all decided that we had now been there, done that, and never have to do it again. haha! We were there for nearly *FOUR* hours and the game was only halfway through!

We took the train back to Aachen on Sunday and have finally recovered from the 20+ miles of walking. We LOVED London and can't wait to get back to see more of it!